Explore our high-quality learning environments.

Classrooms are arranged in learning centers. During the day students have opportunities in art, music, Bible stories, literacy, science, and beginning math activities, along with free play times both inside and recess outside. Children attend Chapel each week and enjoy hearing Bible stories and singing songs together. Each month we learn a Bible verse using music and sign language to help us remember the verses. They also get to eat lunch at school while practicing social and self-help skills.

The Pink Room

The Pink room is our 2-year-old preschool room. Mrs. Amanda, Mrs. Kanica, Mrs Ena, and Ms. Andreina provide a fun-filled classroom that allows lots of time for exploration and social interactions.

The Yellow Room

The Yellow room is one of our 3-year old preschool rooms. Mrs. Abbie and Mrs. Megan lead this class of 14 students. Using a blend of Christian curriculum and the Learning Without Tears curriculum, students have a nice balance of academic and social learning activities.

The Green Room

The Green Room is one of our 3-year-old preschool rooms. Mrs. Samantha and Ms Natalie lead this class of 14 students. Students in this classroom are beginning to learn about letters and the sounds they make. They also love spending time with friends and practicing their social skills.

The Red Room

The Red room is our 4-year old preschool room. Mrs. Natalie and Mrs. Jaflet welcome 14 students to their classroom. Most of these students will be going on to Kindergarten next year so they are working on their letter writing, math skills, and polishing up their social skills.

The Blue Room

The Blue Room is our full-time class for 3-4 year olds. This group of students is led by Mrs. Neom and Mrs Brandi. They take advantage of the full days to include additional learning opportunities along with time for student-directed play and social skill practice. This class also uses the Learning Without Tears curriculum as a supplement to our Bible curriculum. 

The Pre-K Room

The Pre-K class is a 5 day a week preschool class. Mrs. Kate and Mrs. Jill are amazing at leading their classroom of 16 students. Each day students are able to enjoy music, art, math, literacy activities, and use their social skills as they play with other students.

The Orange Room

The Orange Room is our full-time classroom for the 2-year-olds. Mrs. Madi and Ms Sarah lead this classroom as they begin their educational journey. The students will be offered weekly Bible stories, music, early math, and science activities. This class also works to develop social skills and self-help skills. 

Student Support

Student Support is a critical part of Little Friends. Students go through many stages of development as they grow. Mrs. Elizabeth, Mrs Carey and Ms Sarah are here to help students that need a little extra support. Usually, this is done in the classroom with the child remaining with their regular teachers and friends. Occasionally, students will have time out of the classroom to work on specific skills to help them be successful within the classroom. Mrs. Elizabeth also coordinates any outside referrals or services that may be required. 

The Indigo Room

The Indigo Room is our full-time classroom for the older 4 and 5-year-olds. Ms Diosdada and Ms. Andreina are the teachers in this classroom. The students are taking all the skills they have learned in their early years into the mastery stage. They are gaining confidence, investigating further into science and math, and polishing up their negotiation skills with peers as they prepare for Kindergarten.

Parent Involvement

We are thrilled that many of our parents are actively involved as volunteers at our preschool. We have several family functions during the year. We feel it is very important to have a strong connection between families and teachers. Each classroom has a Classroom Parent that helps to coordinate classroom and school-wide functions. Parents are welcome to help in the class with projects or take-home craft preparation. There are also school-wide family events that each class helps to organize. A couple of the favorites are the Sharing Day Feast and the Happy Birthday Jesus party.

You can view our school calendar to see some of the fun activities we have scheduled for this year.

The school that friends tell friends about

Over the past 20 years we have had the privilege of watching friendships spark here at Little Friends and continue even after high school graduation!